
Build your first application in Kubernetes part 1

Goal Spin-up your first application in Kubernetes Objectives See the differences between several Kubernetes implementations, and understand how to prepare different Kubernetes flavours for this blog .Review the basic usage of the kubectl command and understand how to connect to your Kubernetes cluster by using the CLI.Execute a pre-built application in your Kubernetes cluster and review the […]

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Container Orchestration with Kubernetes part 02

Objectives Kubernetes as a container orchestration: After completing this section, you should be able to recognize Kubernetes as a container orchestration tool. Limitations of Containers Containers provide an easy way to package and run services. As the number of containers managed by an organization grows, the manual work of managing them grows disproportionately. When using

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Container Orchestration with Kubernetes part 01

Introducing Kubernetes and Container Engines Objectives After completing this section, you should be able to get an overview of what Kubernetes and Container are, how they improve the software life cycle, and samples of different container runtimes. Traditional Applications vs Kubernetes and Container Traditional software applications typically depend on other libraries, configuration files, or services

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Why do vulnerabilities exist?

Any element of technology will contain vulnerabilities, mobile or otherwise. Of course, there is no indication as to how many vulnerabilities each will likely have; however, one very rudimentary method of determining the number of likely vulnerabilities is based on the number of lines of code.  In other words, the more the number of lines

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How Data Leaking through Poorly Written Applications?

Data Leaking through poorly written applications is day to day biggest concern but threat level is medium. So How many apps do you have on your mobile device? If you can answer that question, then congratulations; that is impressive, but can you confirm what data these apps collect, and more importantly what they do with

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How Information Stealing using malware?

There are no ways to prevent malware attacks but there are reliable ways to detect and block attacks, thus protecting your systems from being infected by malicious software. The below mention graphs depict the growth in mobile malware.  New Mobile malware While the numbers vary on the exact scale of the issue, what the two

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what is abuse of cloud services?

The abuse of cloud services extends beyond malicious insiders and potentially allows cyber criminals The ability to utilize such services for criminal gain.  There are multiple ways in which cloud services can be used for malicious purposes. There is no question, that for the malicious actor their job is considerably easier if their intended victims

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What is Malicious Insider?

A malicious insider threat to an organization is a current or former employee, contractor, or other business partners who has or had authorized access to an organization’s network, system, or data and intentionally exceeded or misused that access in a manner that negatively affected the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the organization’s information or information

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DoS attack in cloud computing

A Denial of Service (DOS) or its now more popular unruly child the DDoS attack is not a new phenomenon and has plagued information technology (IT) managers for many years. It refers to an attack that aims to overwhelm the victim with network traffic or consume resources (central processing unit, memory, for example) and subsequently

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Insecure interfaces and apis in cloud computing

Insecure Interfaces and APIs APIs within cloud environments are used to offer end-customers software interfaces to interact with their provisioned services.  There are multitudes of APIs available within a cloud environment; these can include provisioning new hardware and monitoring the cloud services, as just two examples.  According to API Management Company, Mashery, there exist three

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What is Cloud application development?

Cloud Application Architecture It is important that we examine the mechanisms behind the scenes that make application security and software development for the cloud work, as well as the weaknesses and vulnerabilities associated with each. The readers need to understand how to evaluate and discover these for the customer. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are the

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What is data processing in cloud computing?

The organization also needs to protect Data Processing mechanism as well as Data Control in life-cycle phases other than Create. Industry standards and best practices require the creation, use, and enforcement of a host of data management policies and practices, including the areas of data retention, audit, and disposal. In this section Data Control in

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Cloud Identity and Access Management

Cloud identity and access management is about the people, processes, and procedures used to create, manage, and destroy identities of all kinds, Whether you are dealing with system administrators or plain users of cloud services, the creation and management of identities are key in maintaining secure operations. IAM systems consist of several components, as shown

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What is multi factor authentication in cloud?

Multi factor authentication schema such as the use of robust tokens and requiring multi-factor authentication can reduce the likelihood of unauthorized users gaining access, and restricting authorized users to permitted activities. Cloud Multi factor authentication has become more popular and widespread in the last five years due to increased demand for better authorization security and

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What is cloud application security?

Developers often face challenges when working in a new and unfamiliar environment. that’s why the organization faces challenges with cloud application security. For instance, they may be used to working in a certain language or framework that may not be available to them on a particular platform. There is also a serious lack of documentation

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What are cloud security standards?

Cloud Security Standards slogan is “If it cannot be measured, it cannot be managed“. This is a statement that any auditor and security professional should abide by regardless of his focus. How can someone have confidence, awareness, and assurances that he and the CSP are taking the correct steps to ensure that data is secured

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Cost Benefit Analysis of Cloud Computing

Cost Benefit Analysis of Cloud Computing is often identified as a key driver for the adoption of cloud computing. The challenge with decisions being made solely or exclusively on cost savings can come back to haunt the organization or entity that failed to take a risk-based view and factor in the relevant effects that may

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Cloud Attacks surface

Cloud Attacks Surface Essentials is the process where Cloud data centers can be perceived as similar to DMZs in legacy enterprises. Because everything in the cloud can be accessed remotely, it can be considered exposed to the Internet, to a greater or lesser extent. Instead of the discrete perimeter of a private network, cloud configurations

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Cloud Computing Roles & Responsibilities

The vendor offering cloud services. The CSP will own the datacenter, employ the staff, own and manage the resources (hardware and software), monitor service provision and security, and provide administrative assistance for the customer and the customer’s data and processing needs. Cloud Computing Roles & Responsibilities Examples include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Rackspace, and Microsoft’s

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What are the cloud boundaries in IaaS, PaaS and SaaS?

Before moving to the main important cores of the cloud we need to understand what are the boundaries of cloud computing we need to understand some concepts. In legacy environments, we had bright-line definitions of the organization’s IT perimeter. Everything inside the perimeter belonging to the organization, including data, hardware, and risk; everything outside was

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What is Virtualization in cloud computing?

Virtualization in cloud computing is the term creating a virtual (a logical vs. a physical) version of something, including virtual computer hardware platforms, operating systems, storage devices, and computer network resources. Computer hardware virtualization is a way of improving overall efficiency. It involves CPUs that provide support for virtualization in hardware and other hardware components that

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What are the security risks of cloud computing?

Private cloud security risks. A private cloud configuration is a legacy configuration of a data center, often with distributed computing and BYOD capabilities. The organization controls the entire infrastructure (hardware, software, facilities, administrative personnel, security controls, and so on). A private cloud configuration is a legacy configuration of a data center, often with distributed computing and

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